Sunday, October 09, 2005

HAIS! i don`t know what is happening between me and marcus. We are definitely difting apart from one another. He spends more time with his friends and the amount of time he spends with me has gone down by alot. I know he said that he will spend more time with me after my exams but the point is, if he doesn`t spend time with me, i will tend to think alot. Just had a quarrel with my hubby. What im angry about is that he was going to ton, but he told me he wasn`t.So i told him that i`ll wait for him to get home and give me a call and i asked him to give me a time, so he said 3+ am, than i said ok. But after waiting til 4am, i gave him a call and he said he was at a fren`s house and he was going to ton there til 6am+. I was angry because he made me wait for nothing. Than, i cried. I also dunno why i cried. I called him and all he said was.. ' Dun cry la, think too much leh you, go and sleep.' How would you feel if your bf says this to you after you have waited til so early in the morning just to talk to him, but in the end, all you got from him was 5 words, ' go and sleep first la'. The reason i wanted to wait for his call is because i felt that we were drifting and i wanted to keep our relationship going. HAIS. Anyways, i msged hubby and he reply once but after which, he didn`t reply anymore. I called him again and i started crying to him and than he told me he did not feel the phone vibration thus, he did not reply me. But i feel that if i was someone important to him, he would still check his phone for my msges if he knew i would msg him. HAIS. EVERYTIME when hubby msges me, i would always take my phone out to check if there are any of his msges,but hais. NVM! hais. im truly disappointed and sad with him. Hubby, if you read this, i wanna tell you that i need you alot, i want lots of your love,care and that very difficult for you to give me? you spend lots of time with your friends and neglect me, have you ever thought of how i would feel? hais. if being your friend meant i could have more time with you, i would rather be your fren than your gf cause being your gf, i only get a status and love from you,and that isn`t all that i want. Being your friend, they get your love,time and attention and this is what i want! hais. Hubby, you promised me you would change le,and i choose to believe you one last time, i hope that i would not get disappointments and sadness in the end again. hais. Lastly, i really love you from the bottom of my heart. <3


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